Erector Sets

 An Erector Set is an advanced form of puzzles. It boosts your kid's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subjects learning abilities. As per my research, the K’NEX 100 Model Imagine Building Set is the best option if your child is less than 6 years old

This Erector set offers multiple activity options like a truck, aeroplane, crane, tower building etc. Unlimited fun guaranteed. Erector sets are made for kids from 4 to 15 years old. Different erector set is designed by keeping in view age group, target market so you can easily select the best for your baby according to your kid's age and interest.  

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Watch the human-like featured robotic toy is really brainstorming for kids. It boosts up kids problem-solving skills and family coordination. When kids play and learn with mom and dad. If your kid is above 10 years, I will suggest you buy 

Erector by Meccano Meccanoid XL 2.0 Robot

Because it's a great source of learning Artificial intelligence. Its 4 feet tall and show off voice acknowledgement  LED eyes, and shrewd gadget correspondence, with 3 different programs and 3000+ pre-modified expressions.  
